Thursday, January 5, 2017

Introductions - aka "What's All This, Then?"

Welcome to my blog.

My name is Steffen and I have a massive collection of games on Steam, over 900 as of the new year, roughly 750 of which I have never played. This is what's commonly known as a Steam Backlog, and it only ever seems to grow bigger as I keep buying games faster than I play them.As part of a New Year's resolution to make better use of the things I have, I will be using this blog to chronicle playing through my backlog one game at a time, chosen at random.

A Little About Me

I've been a fan of video games for most of my life. When I was a child I would often borrow my uncle's Commodore 64 or Sega Genesis, or his game diskettes for my father's Commodore Amiga computer. The Genesis was the only game console I had at home, but I had friends who owned the NES, SNES, PlayStation, and N64 and we would get together and play a lot.When I was in High School I won a Sega Dreamcast in an online survey drawing and played the ever-loving hell out of the Power Stone demo and watched the Sonic Adventure video many times before being able to buy the full games. Once I got my first regular job I bought a lot of Dreamcast games and accessories. At one point I had at least 6 VMUs in all different colors and controllers to match.I was introduced to Steam around 2005 when I was working at a computer store and went to a LAN party with some of the other guys. While I had been collecting PC games on CD for years, this was a convenient, if novel way to have access to my Valve games and I was able to register my disc copy of Half-Life and got all the non-Source expansions for free as well as Pre-Ordering the Orange Box.Since then my library has expanded quite a bit between Steam Sales, Humble Bundles, and giveaways. I have only myself to blame for this of course; I think I've purchased something like 2/3 of all the PC Humble Bundles available since they started in 2010. At an average 94% discount they're hard to pass up even if I'm only mildly interested in one title.Anyway, with 750 games that I have never played, some I've owned since I joined Steam, I'm going to work my way through them and document my experiences here. They run the gamut of user review scores and quality, so hopefully this will be entertaining whether I love it or hate it.

The Rules

I will use a random number generator (this one) to select an integer from the set of numbers between 1 and the total number of unplayed games I have which I will then map to a table of my unplayed games sorted alphabetically. Each number will determine the next game that I play with one exception: If a selected game is a sequel or expansion to a game I have not played yet, I will play the original or earliest unplayed instead. For example, I own the first 10 Tomb Raider games on Steam, if any of them are selected by the RNG I will play the original first, then 2, then Adventures of Lara Croft, etc.Prior to my play session I will make a post introducing the game and talking about what I know of it and when and why I bought it. Then I will play the game for three hours and write a follow-up post talking about my experience and whether or not I recommend it. I'm only playing for three hours because that seems like enough time to get a feel for the game but short enough that I can keep up a consistent schedule.

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